OMNI Network Launched Omega Testnet and Mochi Party Galxe Quest
Participation is low, and the last time OMNI ran a testnet, participants earned a good airdrop, so you might want to give this a try. However, rewards are not confirmed.
How to Start:
Claim the following testnet faucets (skip those you already have in your wallet):
- ETH Holesky Faucet
- Sepolia ETH
- Arbitrum Sepolia ETH
- Optimism Sepolia ETH
- Base Sepolia ETH
- OMNI Omega Faucet
Step-by-Step Guide OMNI Network Omega Testntet and Mochi Party Quest:
- ETH Holesky Faucet:
- Claim from QuickNode Holesky Faucet. Note: You need 0.001 ETH on the Ethereum Mainnet to claim from QuickNode.
- Alternatively, claim from Holesky Faucet. It’s recommended to maintain at least 0.001 ETH for OMNI faucet claims, which also helps filter out bot wallets.
- Use to transfer 0.0011 ETH from any chain at a low cost (Fee: $0.18).
- Sepolia ETH Faucet:
- Claim from Sepolia Faucet or QuickNode Sepolia Faucet.
- Arbitrum Sepolia ETH:
- To get Sepolia ETH on the Arbitrum Sepolia Network, bridge ETH from Sepolia Testnet to Arbitrum Sepolia using Arbitrum Bridge.
- Make sure Testnet mode is turned on.
- Optimism Sepolia:
- Bridge from Sepolia to Optimism Sepolia using Superbridge.
- Enable Testnet mode from the bottom right corner settings, select Optimism Sepolia, and bridge tokens.
- Base Sepolia:
- After transferring to Optimism Sepolia, press the back button or click the Superbridge logo, then select Base Sepolia and bridge tokens.
- OMNI Testnet Token Faucet:
- Claim OMNI token faucet from the OMNI Omega Faucet.
Next Steps:
- Visit the Galxe Quest Page: Galxe Quest.
- Verify tasks one by one.
What’s Next?
After completing the Mochi Party setup tasks, you’re all set to play! The first mini-game will be released this week, with additional mini-games launching in the following weeks during the Mochi Party experience.